Find peace and purpose

in our caring faith community

Peachtree Road United Methodist Church helps people find peace and purpose within a Christian community.  Here, you are welcome to join in the worship of God, the fellowship of this community, and the ministry of outreach.  We warmly invite you to be a part of our church life, activities, faith, and friendship.

Traditional Methodist Worship Services in Atlanta and Online

Sunday Services

8:45, 10:00 & 11:15 am
Sanctuary & Moore Chapel
In-person and online

Wednesday Services

12:00 pm
Moore Chapel
In-person and online



Dear Peachtree Road Family,

The season of Lent is upon us, and the observance of these forty days usually begins in the church with this invitation:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: the early Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord’s passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church that before the Easter celebration, there should be a forty-day season of spiritual preparation… I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to observe a holy Lent: by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s Holy Word.

On Ash Wednesday, we heed this call to observe a Holy Lent by devoting ourselves for the next 40 days to prayer and fasting, worship, the study of scripture, and service toward others.

I especially want to commend to you the study of scripture this year. We will be reading and studying Paul’s letter to the church in Rome together this spring. Each morning, we will email you the suggested reading for the day along with a prayer. In addition, we will be offering a clergy-led study of Romans on Wednesday evenings, and I will be preaching from Romans each Sunday during Lent under the theme “The Way of Salvation.” You may be wondering, “Why Romans?” Scholars believe it is the highest expression of Paul’s theology which was formational for the early church. We will do well to read and study this letter.

In keeping with our ongoing celebration of our centennial, I have invited former associate ministers to preach at the midweek services at noon in the Moore Chapel on Wednesdays during Lent. The lineup will feature some of your favorite United Methodist pastors: Betsy Lunz, Phil Schroeder, Beth Sanders, Thomas Martin, and Carolyn Stephens. I hope you will join us each Wednesday at noon during Lent for worship and a luncheon afterward.

Finally, I remind you that Lent is our Season of Service. Peachtree Road UMC is a church that is generous in its outreach, and we have the opportunity to join with our partners in ministry throughout Atlanta to make a difference in the lives of others. In addition, we will be receiving a special offering to support the ongoing work of our partner agencies. Your generosity in giving will be appreciated. 

This is an exciting time to be a part of Peachtree Road UMC. I encourage you to invest yourself the next 40 days in worship, study, and service so that this time will be transformational for you and others.

Grace and peace,



Lent 2025 Worship


Romans: The Way of Salvation

Often regarded as the pinnacle of Paul’s theology, Romans lays the foundation for our understanding of grace, faith, and the transformative power of the gospel. In this Lenten series, we will reflect on what it truly means to live in the freedom Christ offers, and to embody the character of Christ in a world longing for hope.

Lenten Sermon Series: The Way of Salvation
Ash Wednesday, March 5, 12:00, 5:00 and 7:00 pm
Sundays, March 9 – April 13, 8:45, 10:00 and 11:15 am
Holy Thursday, April 17, 7:00 pm

From the struggle with sin to the assurance of God’s unshakable love, Romans lays out the path of salvation with clarity and conviction. This series will challenge us to live faithfully, embrace the freedom Christ offers, and reflect the character of Christ in our daily lives. Join us as we deepen our understanding of God’s grace and what it means to walk in the way of salvation.

Mar 5 – Romans 1:1-7  |  Called to Be Saints
Mar 9  –  Romans 1:8-17  |  Not Ashamed of the Gospel
Mar 16  – Romans 3:21-27  |  The Line Between Good and Evil
Mar 23 – Romans 6:1-14  |  Christ Has Set You Free
Mar 30 – Romans 8:31-39  |  If God Is for Us…
Apr 6 – Romans 12:1-8  |  The Content of Our Character
Apr 13 – Romans 14:1-12  |  Who Am I to Judge Another?
Apr 17 – Romans 6:20-23  |  The Free Will of God

Lent 2025 Study


Churchwide: Romans

As we enter the Lenten season of reflection and spiritual growth, we invite you to deepen your faith and Biblical knowledge through study.

Churchwide Lenten Study: Romans – The Way of Salvation
Wednesdays, March 12 – April 16, 6:30 pm, Grace Hall

Written by the Apostle Paul, Romans explores themes of grace, faith, and transformation. It challenges us to examine our hearts, realign our lives to God’s purpose, and reflect on our relationship with God and one another. Our hope is that together, we deepen our faith, strengthen our community, and live fully into the vision God has for us all. The teaching portion of this study will be held in person and live-streamed, while the small group discussion will be in person only.


Lent 2025 Service


This season, we come together to serve others as the body of Christ. Join us this Lent to make a big impact in a million small ways. We have outreach opportunities for all ages and stages that will make this time meaningful for you and those you help. To learn more and sign up for a volunteer opportunity, click below.