Christmas Eve Worship Services

Celebrate the birth of Christ!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Come celebrate this glorious night with us! Our beautiful services offer meaningful messages and magnificent music. Childcare is available at our 4:00 and 6:00 pm services for ages 3 and under. No reservation needed.  If you are unable to join us in person, please worship with us online at any or all of our Christmas Eve services.  Click below the service information to link to a page with livestream, bulletin PDF and check-in.

11:15 am Christmas Service of Holy Communion
A celebration of the Eucharist

4:00 pm Family Candlelight & Pageant
Children’s choirs and pageant with nativity characters

6:00 pm Family Candlelight & Pageant
Children’s choirs and pageant with nativity characters

8:00 pm Festival of Lessons & Carols
Chancel Choir & Brass herald in this most Holy Night

10:30 pm Festival Choral Eucharist
Chancel Choir & Brass with a celebration of the Eucharist
