September 29, 2023

Dear Peachtree Road Family,

I hope you are well. Last week we concluded our series of messages on prayer. Each week we closed worship by praying the words of the hymn…

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us.

Melt us. Mold us. Fill us. Use us. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us.

That is a prayer for the renewal of the church, and I hope you will join me in continuing to pray that prayer in the days to come. 

On Sunday we will begin a new series entitled “Developing a Generous Heart.” You and I know folks who have a heart problem. Maybe the arteries around the heart muscle have become clogged or they have an irregular heartbeat. Either way, they are experiencing symptoms that make life difficult. We also know folks who have a spiritual heart problem. As a result, they have a difficult time worshiping God, loving others, or experiencing joy in their lives. This month we are going to spend some time talking about developing a healthy heart spiritually:  

October 1 | Matthew 35:14-30 | Enemies of the Heart
October 8 | Matthew 6:25-33 | The Heart of the Matter
October 15 | Matthew 6:19-21 | Wesley’s Cardiac Rehab Program

We will begin this Sunday with a message entitled “Enemies of the Heart.” In preparation for the message, I invite you to read Jesus’ story about the man who entrusted his property to three servants. You will find it in Matthew 25. I hope you will make plans to join us in person (8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am). If not, please participate online through the live stream of the service at

Sunday also is World Communion Sunday. On this day Christians from around the world gather at the Lord’s Table to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Think about that for just a moment. As we gather at the Table here at Peachtree Road UMC in Atlanta, we are joining with Christians from around the world in partaking of the grace of God on this day. We become a link in a chain that circles the globe. Please join us as we gather at the Lord’s Table and give thanks for God’s gracious gift of salvation.  

As has become our tradition on the first Sunday in October, we will offer a “Blessing of the Animals” service at 5:00 p.m. You are invited to bring your pets to the church for a fun time of worship. This service celebrates the Feast of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals. We will gather in the sanctuary, sing praises to God, and approach the altar with our pets for an individual blessing upon each animal. In the past, participants have brought their dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, fish, and birds to receive a blessing. You also may choose to bring photos of your pets if it is difficult for the animal to attend the service (a picture of your horse will work just fine!). I hope you’ll take advantage of this community-wide service and invite a friend to join in the fun.

Throughout the month of October, we will be emphasizing stewardship here at Peachtree Road UMC. Each week we will focus upon the way we live out our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. We are seeking to develop our capacity for generosity and will celebrate the renewal of our covenant with Christ through this great church on Sunday, October 15. I hope you will make your plans to join us for a great day of worship and a delicious luncheon afterward in Grace Hall. Thank you for your faithfulness in so many ways.  

One Lamb Initiative News:

  • Lessons from the Valley – last week many of you had the opportunity to attend the forum led by Ron Greer, director of The Pastoral Counseling Center at Peachtree Road UMC. It was an excellent presentation on the lessons we can learn in times of loss. If you missed it, you may view it here.
  • Daily Devotions for Mental Wellness – October 10 has been designated as World Mental Health Day. In preparation, will offer ten devotions as part of our daily prayer email that is sent early each morning. Please opt-in to our daily prayer list to receive these devotionals from October 1-10. You may subscribe to receive the emails here.
  • One Lamb Survey – our team designing relevant programs on the subject of mental wellness would like to get your input. Your voice matters, and we encourage you to participate in the One Lamb Survey here

Music and Arts:

  • St. Thomas Choir of Men and Boys – on Sunday, October 8, the Peachtree Road UMC Friends of Music is pleased to present the St. Thomas Choir of Men and Boys in concert at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. This is one of the leading choral ensembles in the country and has toured extensively throughout the United States and Europe. The choir performs regularly with the period instrument ensemble Concert Royal and with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s in New York City. This evening’s music will feature Elgar, Byrd, Hancock, and more. Tickets are available here
  • Open Choir Rehearsal – have you ever wanted to sing with the Chancel Choir? You are invited to an open rehearsal on Wednesday, October 11, at 7:00 pm in the Music Suite. You will have an opportunity to join the Chancel Choir in the warm-up by singing a few hymns in preparation for Sunday’s service and then rehearse a beautiful arrangement of the well-known hymn “It Is Well with My Soul.” It is designed to give you the feel of what it is like to be a part of this singing community of faith. For more information, contact Scott Atchison, director of music, at

It is a privilege to worship and serve with you through the ministry of Peachtree Road United Methodist Church! 

Grace and peace, 
