May 17, 2024
Dear Peachtree Road Family,
I hope you are well. I really am looking forward to Sunday as we celebrate 50 years of the Pastoral Counseling Service at Peachtree Road UMC. In 1974, Rev. Larry Adams came to our church as the first director of the Pastoral Counseling Service, and this ministry has been a vital part of the community ever since. In fact, when I was serving churches in Cartersville and Athens, I often referred folks to the Pastoral Counseling Service here at Peachtree Road UMC. The impact of this ministry on the lives of others cannot be calculated!
On Sunday we will pause to give thanks for this ministry. Larry Adams (now retired), Ron Greer (current director), and Andrea DeWalt (counselor) will be present to help lead the service. We will recognize members of our church who have served on the Pastoral Counseling Service board through the years and offer a prayer of thanksgiving for what our Lord has done through them. I especially am pleased that Ron Greer will be preaching at all services on Sunday, and I know you will be moved by his message entitled “Inspired by the Spirit for Fifty Years.”
Sunday is also the Day of Pentecost, and we will be celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples with great fanfare. We will sing two great hymns (“God of Grace and God of Glory” and “Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound”), and the Chancel Choir will be accompanied by the Atlanta Brassworks as they sing the 14th-century anthem “Come Down, O Love Divine” by Bianca Da Siena and arranged by Todd Wilson. I hope you will make your plans to join us in person (8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am) or online through the church’s livestream. Everyone attending is encouraged to wear red to celebrate Pentecost. It will be a great day!
Thank you to all who gave last week to the Mother’s Day Offering for Wesley Woods. Your gift will make a difference as we help older adults age with grace. If you did not have an opportunity to give last week, it is not too late. Please join Wendie and me in honoring our mothers by making your check payable to Peachtree Road UMC and mark it for Wesley Woods or give online through the church website. Thank you for your generous support.
I remind you that Midday Music in May is continuing for one more week. This Wednesday at 1:00 pm in the sanctuary, you are invited to attend a 30-minute organ recital celebrating The Great Organ of Peachtree Road UMC. There is no charge.
Upcoming celebrations:
- Memorial Sunday (May 26) – we will bring the month to a close with a day of remembrance. We will pay homage to those who have given their lives in service to our country by placing a wreath at the altar as well as remember Jesus’ words: “Do this in remembrance of me” when we gather at the Lord’s Table to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Rev. Geoff Beakley will preach at the morning services.
- Founder’s Sunday (June 2) – our church will celebrate the 99th anniversary of its founding at all three morning worship services and with a luncheon from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm in Grace Hall. The Varsity will cater our birthday celebration with naked dogs, burgers, onion rings, French fries, and frosted oranges (FO’s)!
Finally, are you interested in becoming a member of Peachtree Road UMC? Please join us this Sunday, May 19, at 12:30 pm for lunch and “Tea with the Clergy.” You will have an opportunity to meet our ministerial staff, learn about our history, ask questions, and discover where you fit into this great church. We already have a number of folks signed up for this week’s gathering. If you would like to take the next step in your growth as a Christian and become a member of Peachtree Road UMC, please contact our director of evangelism and hospitality, Brittany Charron, at
I am grateful for you – your daily prayers for the ministry of our church, your faithful presence in worship, your generous gifts that support our mission, your compassionate service to others, and your enthusiastic witness to the transforming power of Christ.
Grace and peace,