June 7, 2024

Dear Peachtree Road Family,

I hope you are well. Last Sunday we celebrated the 99th anniversary of the founding of Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in grand fashion. I am so grateful to the Centennial Committee chaired by Eve Respess and all who had a hand in coordinating the celebration. The new Centennial Banner led the opening procession at each service, and we remembered how God has been at work through the people of Peachtree Road UMC for nearly a century. Our birthday luncheon following worship in Grace Hall was the perfect Atlanta celebration as The Varsity catered our meal. A great time was had by all, and I am especially grateful to Brittany Charron and her team who created a fun and festive atmosphere for our celebration. 

Please join us for worship again this Sunday as we begin our 100th year of ministry in the Buckhead community. Rev. Jamie Jenkins will offer the message, and we will be singing two great hymns of the church (“O God, Our Help in Ages Past” and “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”), and the Chancel Choir will sing an arrangement of the old hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” In preparation for the message, I encourage you to read Mark 3:20-35. I look forward to seeing you at one of our services this Sunday (8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am). If you are away from the city, worship with us online through the church website.

As a part of this Sunday’s service, we will be honoring our associate minister, Rev. Julie Wright, as she retires after 10 years as our director of senior adult ministries. We will recognize her in the services, and a reception will follow the 11:15 am service in Grace Hall. I hope you will join us as we express our appreciation to Julie. 

The North Georgia Annual Conference is set to meet next week from Thursday, June 13, until Saturday, June 15, at the Classic Center in Athens, Georgia. The theme Bishop Robin Dease has selected for the week is “Becoming an Acts Church,” and we will consider new ministry initiatives, adopt a budget for 2025, establish new district lines, and vote on a proposal for a new site for the Methodist Center in North Georgia. The highlight of the week for us will be the ordination of our associate minister Rev. Josh Miles. The ordination service is Friday, June 14, at 7:30 pm at the Classic Center, and you are invited. It promises to be a good week. 

Upcoming Special Sundays in June:

  • Father’s Day (June 16) – as we have done in recent years, we will recognize the oldest father present and the newest father present at each service. I have been thinking about the “good men” (my dad, pastors, coaches, and teachers) who have been influential in my life. Join us for worship as we remember and give thanks.
  • Celebration of Freedom (June 23) – as is our tradition, we will sing patriotic hymns, honor our veterans, pray for our nation and world, and give thanks for God’s many blessings. The service will close with the prayerful singing of “God Bless America.” To cap off the morning’s celebration, we will join together for a fellowship luncheon featuring fried chicken and all the fixings in Grace Hall. This is a Sunday you will not want to miss!

Speaking of Freedom Sunday, have you ever considered being a part of the choir for Celebration of Freedom Sunday? Let this note serve as your invitation to don a robe and join the Chancel Choir on Sunday, June 23 to sing some of our favorite patriotic hymns from the choir loft. It is a great opportunity to raise your voice in praise to God and be a part of the joy of this day. There will be only one rehearsal (Thursday, June 20) – come early for refreshments at 6:30 pm and rehearse from 7:00 – 9:00 pm in the Music Suite. If you have questions or would like to sing in the chorus, contact Ruth Sommerville at ruths@prumc.org. Come join our family of singers and lovers of music!

Two Upcoming Opportunities:

  • Are you interested in becoming a member of Peachtree Road UMC? We will offer a special joining day on Sunday, June 23, at the morning worship services. If you think you may be ready to make this church your home, please reach out to Brittany Charron at brittanyc@prumc.org for more information. 
  • Sponsor a Dove – have you heard about the “Doves of Peachtree Road UMC” exhibit? As a part of our year-long celebration of our 100th anniversary, we will install a magnificent work of art in the sanctuary that will capture the spirit of our people and our centennial. Watch the video linked here and visit prumc.org/doves to learn more about the project and how you can become a sponsor. 

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Grace and peace,
