August 9, 2024

Dear Peachtree Road Family,

I hope you are well. I am looking forward to worshiping with you this Sunday as we continue our series on Methodist beliefs entitled “And Are We Yet Alive.” Last week, we considered John Wesley’s encouragement to live a life of holiness of heart and life by loving God with “all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-40) In the words of the author of Revelation to the church in Ephesus, “Remember…repent, and do the works you did at first.” (Revelation 2:5) As we observed last Sunday when we live this way, our lives have both meaning and purpose.

This week, we turn our attention to Wesley’s encouragement to the early Methodists: “Offer them Christ.” The text we will consider is known as the Great Commission:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Methodists are evangelicals, and on Sunday, we will think for a few minutes about what that means. Once again, the music on Sunday will be heart-warming as we sing Charles Wesley’s great hymn “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” and congregational favorite “Blessed Assurance.” In addition, the Chancel Choir will offer “The Chorister Prayer,” arranged by Philip WJ Stopford, as an anthem. Please join us Sunday either in person at 8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am or online here.

Also, on Sunday, we will receive a special offering for the Murphy-Harpst Children’s Centers. Hopefully, you recently received a letter from me offering some history of this transformative community that reaches out to children with few or no alternatives, welcomes them, and gives them hope. Please make your check payable to Peachtree Road UMC and mark it for “Murphy-Harpst,” or give online through our church’s website here.

With the return of school, we are gearing up for the fall with several opportunities for you:

  • Join a Choir – music is an integral part of the life of Peachtree Road UMC, and this fall marks an especially exciting time as we prepare for the celebration of our centennial. Make your plans to be a part of a choir today! You may join the Chancel Choir right now. Registration for Children’s and Youth Choirs opens August 15.
  • Fall Bible Study  as we seek to grow together in God’s grace, we find that studying the scriptures and reflecting upon them with others nurtures our faith, deepens our theological understanding, and fosters community. No matter how much or how little you already know of the Bible, spending time studying God’s word can be transformative. We are excited to offer a dynamic new season of Bible studies featuring rock-solid foundations such as Disciple Bible Study, as well as fresh new offerings from clergy and lay leaders that will challenge and encourage you! Complete class details are online, and registration is now open. Sign up for a study and join us this fall to gain a deeper understanding of God at work in us all.
  • Young Adult Fellowship – our church has a large and vital group of young adults. If you are interested in getting connected and making new friends, join them at Gypsy Kitchen on Thursday, August 15, at 6:30 pm. For more information, contact Geoff Beakley at
  • Men’s Breakfast – whenever there is a disaster in the Southeast, you can count on United Methodists to show up as soon as it is safe to help with the clean-up efforts as a part of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Here in North Georgia, Rev. Scott Parrish leads our UMCOR disaster relief efforts, and he will be speaking at the next Men’s Breakfast on Friday, August 16, at 7:00 am in Heritage Hall. Come learn how our church is collaborating to make a difference in the lives of others struck by tragedy. You may make a reservation here.

Finally, let me suggest two opportunities for those looking to become better connected at Peachtree Road UMC:

  • Tour the church campus on Sunday, August 18, 10:00 am, Grace Hall. Whether you are new or still trying to find your way around, please join us for a tour of the campus and a brief overview of the ministries and offerings at Peachtree Road. For more information, please contact Brittany Charron at
  • Tea with the Clergy on Sunday, August 25, 12:30 – 2:00 pm, Hospitality Suite. Get to know our church and ministers better at this casual afternoon gathering. Our clergy will answer questions, share their vision, and help you connect to areas of interest within the church. After conversation wraps up, those who wish to take the next step in membership may join in a brief service. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Brittany Charron at

I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday!

Grace and peace, 
