December 27, 2024

Dear Peachtree Road Family,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with loved ones. Let me begin this year-ending note with a word of appreciation to all who had a hand in making this year’s Christmas Eve celebration one to remember. It was exhilarating! Nearly 6,000 persons were present for one of our services in the sanctuary, and another 3,000 worshiped by livestream. I am grateful to the members of the Altar Guild and Flower Guild for all of their efforts to make our sanctuary the most beautiful room in Atlanta that night. I also want to express my appreciation to our dedicated musicians who offered music that stirred our souls. I am grateful to our usher teams who warmly welcomed folks and helped them find seats and to our Acolytes who led our processions and added to the sense of awe and reverence we experience in our worship. It was our 100th celebration of Christmas as a congregation, and there really is nothing like Christmas Eve at Peachtree Road UMC!

Thank you to everyone who gave to the Christmas Eve offering to benefit our clean water project in Kenya. As we discussed during the Christmas Eve message this year, the key word for the season is “with,” and that also is the way God chooses to work in our lives. As we read from John’s Gospel:Thank you to everyone who gave to the Christmas Eve offering to benefit our clean water project in Kenya. As we discussed during the Christmas Eve message this year, the key word for the season is “with,” and that also is the way God chooses to work in our lives. As we read from John’s Gospel:

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God…And the Word became flesh and lived with us.” – John 1

We take our cue from God and strive to be with others who are in need. Your giving is a tangible sign of God’s love, mercy, and grace that live within us and transforms the lives of others. Thank you for your generosity. If you did not have an opportunity to give, it is not too late. You may give here.

Speaking of giving, as we come to the end of the year, I would like to share with you several important notes related to year-end giving:

  • Don’t forget that any check you send to the church must be postmarked no later than December 31 in order for them to be included in your 2024 giving statement from Peachtree Road UMC and be deductible on your 2024 tax return. You can bring your checks to the church office or mail them to:

Peachtree Road UMC

3180 Peachtree Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30305

  • We would be delighted to assist you with your giving by cash, check, credit card, electronic funds transfer, or stock gift. Certainly, the easiest way to give may be online here. I also know many of you donate appreciated stock to the church, and we would be delighted to receive your gift in that way. Please feel free to contact the church business office if you need any help whatsoever.
  • As we entered the month of December, the Finance Committee projected a need of $1.3 million to meet our budget for the year. As one old preacher put it, “I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is we have the money we need to finish out the year and pay all of our commitments. The bad news is it’s still in your pockets!” Please help us finish well. If you have had a good year financially and could help the church with an extra gift to the operating budget, know that it would make a difference in our church’s ministry and be greatly appreciated.
  • Thank you to all who have made a commitment toward the operating budget for 2025! For those who have not yet to do so, this is really important. I would be grateful if you could do that this week. You can make your pledge through the church app or by clicking here. If you have not registered your commitment with us, please let us know of your support this week. Every member plays a vital role in the ministry of Peachtree Road and is important to us.

I appreciate your attention to these financial matters and for your generosity throughout this year. It has been a remarkable year. Please know that I am grateful for your faithfulness in many ways. You truly are changing the world – here in Atlanta and in faraway places. Thank you!

Finally, let me encourage you to join your friends from Peachtree Road UMC for one more worship service before turning the calendar to 2025. There will be one service at 11:15 am, and Rev. Elizabeth Byrd will help us pick up where we left off Christmas Eve with a message entitled “Let Your Light Shine!” We will have the opportunity to join in singing “Joy to the World,” and the choir’s anthem will be “Gloria in Excelsis” arranged by Louie White. In addition, we also will have an opportunity to light candles and sing “This Little Light of Mine.” I will be away but look forward to worshiping with you online. I will see you again in the New Year!

Grace and peace!
