Bill Collage 1280

Rev. Bill Britt

Senior Minister

Bill is from the small town of Thomaston in middle Georgia and is a graduate of Stetson University in DeLand, Florida. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta and his Doctor of Ministry degree from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. He and his wife Wendie have been married for 40 years and have two adult children (Sara and Will). Bill has served churches throughout the North Georgia Conference including Trinity-on-the-Hill UMC in Augusta, Trinity UMC in Cartersville, and the First UMC in Athens. He became the senior minister at Peachtree Road UMC in 2008, and his hobbies include spending time with his three grandchildren, playing classic golf courses, and enjoying time at the beach. He loves to eat barbeque and icebox lemon pie!

Rev. Bill Britt, Senior Minister

Weekly messages to the congregation

Holy Habits and Basics of Our Faith
On Wednesday, we began our forty-day journey known as the season of Lent in preparation for the celebration of Easter. Throughout the centuries, Christians have used these days as a time of spiritual reflection, letting go of some of the things that distract them from following Christ, and intentionally adding some new “holy habits” to their lives. Traditionally, these have included prayer, fasting, study, and service to others. I hope you will consider this as your invitation to observe a holy Lent.
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An Investment in Transformation
The season of Lent is upon us, and we begin our forty-day observance on March 5 with our Ash Wednesday services. The imposition of ashes will be available in the early morning at the Rollins Building turnaround from 7:00 am to 9:00 am, and services will be held at noon and 5:00 pm in the Moore Chapel. Our final Ash Wednesday service will occur at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. During this season of repentance, we will prepare for our celebration of the Resurrection.
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We Have Been Guided by God’s Spirit
Last Sunday was a wonderful day as we welcomed Bishop Will Willimon to Peachtree Road UMC. He preached a powerful message from Habakkuk 2 in which he encouraged us to actively wait for the Lord’s vision for our church to be fully realized and to entertain the possibility that now just might be the time. As we sang our closing hymn, “Marching to Zion,” I was struck by how blessed we are as a congregation.
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Your Love Is Hope
I want to begin this week’s note with a word of gratitude for your generous gift to Celebrate UMC in Pacific Palisades, California. That church was consumed by flames from the Palisades Wildfire last month, and we received a special offering the next two Sundays. Earlier this week, we mailed a check for over $22,000 to help Celebrate UMC rebuild its ministry. Imagine. They don’t have an altar table, baptismal font, pews, Bibles, hymnals, or even a building in which to worship.
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About Bill

Bill Britt has served as the senior pastor of Peachtree Road since June, 2008.  He is a native of Thomaston, Georgia, and a graduate of Stetson University in DeLand, Florida (Bachelor in Arts), Candler School of Theology of Emory University (Master of Divinity), and United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio (Doctor of Ministry).

His previous appointments include Ebenezer UMC in Forsyth (1981-1984), associate minister at Trinity-on-the-Hill UMC in Augusta (1984-1988), Trinity UMC in Cartersville (1988-1997), and the First UMC in Athens (1997-2008).

Bill and his wife Wendie have two children, Sara and Will.  Sara is married to Diogo Pereira and they have two children, Lidia and Lucas.  Will is married to Gina Kim.  Bill enjoys playing golf, reading, and annual family vacations at the beach.