Men's Ministries

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

The mission of the Men’s Ministry of Peachtree Road is to enable participants to grow as Disciples of Jesus Christ and equip them to make an impact where they live, work, and play. We take Jesus’ call to be “fishers of men” seriously (Matthew 4:19) and work toward sharing this message in deep and relevant ways.

For more information, please contact Geoff Beakley at

Men’s Quail Hunt – FULL!

The Burge Club
This event is now full! In celebration of the church’s upcoming 100th birthday, we invite you to join the men of…

Centennial Golf Tournament

Bear's Best Golf Course
In celebration of the church’s 100th birthday, we invite you to play in PRUMC’s Centennial Golf Tournament!  We’re looking for the…