Youth Ministries
The Youth Ministry at Peachtree Road is a vibrant and transformative program focused on nurturing the spiritual and emotional development of our teenagers. This ministry aims to guide young people through their formative years with a strong foundation in Christian faith, helping them to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ and active members of the church community.
100 Years of Youth Ministry
Centennial Golf Tournament
Doxology Mother’s Day Tour Concert
Doxology Youth Choir Tour
Youth Belize Mission Trip
Youth Mental Wellness: CHOA Strong 4 Life
Our youth ministry team has been working closely with a group of psychologists at CHOA to help develop resources and common language surrounding mental health for children and youth. For more information, contact Chris Mucha at
Volunteers make the youth ministry at PRUMC happen. We count on our families to look for ways to “plug-in” and volunteer. Here are some of the ways you can serve. To learn more, contact Rachel Hockman at
Shepherds are the foundation of the youth ministry at PRUMC. Shepherds are adults that love Jesus and love youth and will guide our youth along their discipleship process. Shepherds guide a small group of youth, meeting with them as a group once a week and keeping up with them throughout the year. It is a one-year commitment and our shepherds are also encouraged to join us for special events and retreats.
Foundations teachers help teach our Sunday morning gatherings. There are regular teaching opportunities as well as substitute opportunities available.
This team focuses on the hearts of our youth and families. They commit to praying regularly for youth and families in need. They also focus on surrounding our leaders and volunteers in prayer. The prayer/care team helps to facilitate and host an event per semester to help guide our families through shared cultural pressures (anxiety, social media, adolescent development, etc.).
Our host teams help set up the lobby and lounge on Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings and greet youth as they gather and check in.
This team helps plan special events throughout the year, including Halloween Extravaganza, Christmas Parties, special 1|99 nights and other events.
Our environment team focuses on helping shape our physical environment for worship to follow our teaching themes. Part of the team also focuses throughout the Harp Center so that our space tells our story.