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Easter Day

Sunday, April 20


Easter Day Sunrise Service
Sunday, April 20, 6:30 am, Columbarium
You are invited to begin Easter with the historic tradition of the Great Vigil. Just as the first believers did, we will gather outside as dawn begins to break. As light fills the world, we will recognize Jesus’ victory over death! We will then process to the chapel for the first service of Easter.

Easter Day Festival Worship
Sunday, April 20, 8:15, 9:45, & 11:15 am, Sanctuary
Join us for a joyful celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, and the hope of everlasting life! Festival worship will feature glorious music and an inspiring message. Rev. Bill Britt preaching. Music by The PRUMC Chancel Choir, Atlanta Brassworks, and the Peachtree Carillon. The events of Easter are the core of our faith and we invite you to rejoice with your church family!

Children’s Ministry Easter Schedule
Childcare provided for children ages PreK and younger at the 8:15, 9:45, and 11:15 services. Our regular elementary classes will not meet. Children in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to celebrate the resurrection with their families in worship!

The Resurrection of the Lord
Music by Gerald Near and
Premiere of new Commission by Randall Z. Stroope
The PRUMC Chancel Choir
The Atlanta Brassworks
The Peachtree Carillon