Sunday Worship: Two Ways to Live Your Life

In Jeremiah 17:5-10, the prophet presents two contrasting ways to live: relying on human strength and self-reliance, which leads to instability…

Bishop Will Willimon

Bishop Will Willimon is a prominent Methodist leader, theologian, and author widely recognized for his engaging preaching and insightful writings. He…

Sunday Worship: The Platinum Rule

In this week’s sermon, based on Luke 6:27-38, we explore Jesus’ call to go beyond the Golden Rule of treating others…

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lenten season of reflection and repentance. On this day we mark the sign of…

Holy Thursday Choral Eucharist

7:00 pm Choral Eucharist The PRUMC Chancel Choir and Chamber Singers Music by selections from Handel’s Messiah Scott H. Atchison, conductor…

Easter Day

Easter Day Sunrise Service Sunday, April 20, 6:30 am, Columbarium You are invited to begin Easter with the historic tradition of…

The Feast of Pentacost

Sunday, June 8, 8:45 & 11:15 am The PRUMC Chancel Choir Music by Ennio Morricone Scott Atchison, conductor