Halloween Extravaganza

Join us for a fall evening full of fun, fellowship, costumes, and candy! Our annual Halloween party features a trunk-or-treat, contests,…

Take a Tour of Peachtree Road

Heritage Hall
Whether you are new to Peachtree Road, or still trying to find your way around, please join us for a tour…

Altar Guild Informational Luncheon

Hospitality Suite
From setting the Communion table to creating flower arrangements, preparing for liturgical seasons, and ensuring all worship elements are in place,…

Gut Feelings: Integrative Nutrition

Heritage Hall
Gut Feelings: Using Integrative Nutrition to Heal from the Bottom Up Mary Virginia Coffman, MSW, MS, CNS, LDN, LN The news…

The Magic of Melody

The Atlanta Brassworks Presents: The Magic of Melody Designed to teach kids the definition, function, and significance of melody, The Magic…

3 Practices: Session II

What do you do when you discover you are with someone who disagrees with you on politics or religion or important…

Choral Evensong for the Feast of All Saints

4:30 pm – Ryan Brunckhurst, The Episcopal Church of All Saints, Indianapolis, IN 5:00 pm Choral Evensong, PRUMC Chancel Choir, Georgia…

Seasoned Saints Midweek Program

Please note new time! Wednesdays, 1:30 pm, C106 Nov 6 - PRUMC 100th Birthday Party Bingo Join us for fellowship and…

Special Worship with Dr. Brent Strawn

Dr. Brent Strawn is a professor of Old Testament studies at Duke University, specializing in biblical interpretation, the Psalms, and the…

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lenten season of reflection and repentance. The traditional feature of our Lenten services is…

Seasoned Saints: Irish Bingo

Bring a wrapped $5.00 Irish themed prize and come join the fun! RSVP to Heather Holdridge heatherch@prumc.org.

Season of Service Project: Agape

Agape Youth & Family Center
Pick up dinner at 4:30 from PRUMC.  Deliver to Agape, then serve dinner and fellowship with the Agape children.