Planned Giving
John Wesley Endowment Society
It is our privilege to create opportunities for those who will come after us. Through the John Wesley endowment foundation, your planned gifts will benefit current and future generations. When a gift is endowed, the principal of the gift is invested – never used itself. The earnings of the gift support the mission of the organization. Since the principal is never used, the endowment is permanent and self-sustaining.
At Peachtree Road, our endowments are used exclusively for Outreach and Capital needs. A portion is gifted once a year, and the remaining amount continues to build the fund. All gifts are managed by an Endowment Board of Peachtree Road members. Planned gifts can be made by everyone in any phase of life and we encourage donors to discuss options first with a financial planner. Any member of the John Wesley Society can recommend a qualified professional to review different provisions. These may include:
- Bequest: A provision in a will for a stated amount or for a percentage
- Property: A bequeath of land or residence
- Insurance Policy: Naming the church as a beneficiary, or gifting a policy to the church
- Securities: Non cash charitable gifts including shares and bonds
- Charitable Remainder Trust: Annual income for the donor, with the remainder specified for charity
To learn more, please contact Roger Laney, Financial Controller at