PRAYER Announcements

Prayer Ministry Volunteers
We have great resources for you to make prayer a blessing in your life and others this year. Prayer volunteers lift up others in prayer and write notes of hope and encouragement each season. No request is too small nor too large. You may pray privately in one of our Prayer Rooms, or in a place of your choosing. For more information, please contact Rev. Josh Miles at

Billie S. Been Prayer Room
Come see experience new ways to grow closer to God in our Rollins prayer room. A106 now has a prayer kneeler under a striking cross, a prayer tree (leave or take a prayer), wristbands featuring Hebrews 4:16, and new resources that will helpful and meaningful to your prayer life in the coming year. We hope you’ll join others in praying for the needs and people of our church. For more information, please contact Rev. Josh Miles at