Bible Studies
Bible Study creates community, fosters deep scriptural conversation, promotes spiritual transformation, and rekindles the flames of our faith. No matter how much or how little you already know of the Bible, we hope you will join us this fall for one or more classes. Together, we will grow in the knowledge and love of God, seek to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, and share the grace and hope of God with the world.
Below you will find our current offerings. Click for more information and registration.
Churchwide Lenten Study: Romans – The Way to Salvation
Churchwide Lenten Study: Romans – The Way to Salvation
Churchwide Lenten Study: Romans – The Way to Salvation
Adult Sunday School
Sundays, 10:00 am, B and C Buildings
Adult Sunday School is the heartbeat of Peachtree Road. In a weekly small group, you can experience friendship, support and learning within the greater church community. Feel free to visit many different classes until you find the one that fits you best. Our hope is that you find your home in Sunday School at Peachtree Road.
Each Sunday, Ambassadors are available in the Rotunda and the Adult Sunday School Building Lobby to help you choose and locate classes. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Byrd at 404.240.8270 or
Class | Room | Membership |
Abundant Life | B158 | Couples & Families |
Blazers | C102 | Older Adults |
Faith Seekers | C204 | Adults in Midlife |
Family Journeys | C105 | Couples & Families |
Foundations | C101 | Couples & Families |
Friendship | C103 | Older Adults |
Good News | C304 | Adults in Midlife |
Great Connections | C306 | Adults in Midlife |
Harvest | C210 | Young Adults |
In Harmony | C205 | Couples & Families |
Lighthouse | C203 | Young Adults |
Love & Fellowship | C106 | Couples & Families |
New Beginnings | C302 | Adults in Midlife |
Open Door | C208 | Program Centered |
Passages | C206 | Older Adults |
Renegades | C301 | Program Centered |
Timothy | B156 | Older Adults |
Wesley Class | C104 | Couples & Families |
Abundant Life
A community of married couples with growing families. Rotating class members and guest speakers lead faith-based lessons and discussions on marriage, family, and work/life balance.
B158 | Couples & Families
Late 60’s-70’s+. Lessons consist of guest lecturers including the church staff. The class is involved in both local and international outreach as well as a couple social events each year.
C102 | Older Adults
Faith Seekers
This diverse class has members whose ages range from 50’s to early 60’s, single, divorced, and married. Optional homework includes buying the study book and reading a chapter or two for discussion.
C204 | Adults in Midlife
Family Journeys
This group of parents of school-aged children enjoy getting together to share their Christian journey. The unique class curriculum features a combination of both Bible-centric and topical lessons that are applicable to maturing families.
C105 | Couples & Families
Parents of school-aged children focused on nurturing families who use a combination of speakers and class discussion.
C101 | Couples & Families
An active class still growing in faith through traditional Bible study led by regular teachers.
C103 | Older Adults
Good News
A friendly, caring group of marrieds and singles share life’s journey with intellectually stimulating classes and extra-curricular activities promoting fellowship and fun.
C304 | Adults in Midlife
Great Connections
Our class is a welcoming and open-minded group striving to connect God’s word to our daily living and to connect to one another as we journey through the seasons of life. (Approximate age of members: 50+)
C306 | Adults in Midlife
Join us for weekly Bible study and social opportunities.
C210 | Young Adults
In Harmony
Members of this class range in age from 30s to 50s with children from preschool to middle school ages, including families, couples and individuals at similar life stages. Members are on a journey of faith and fellowship to build strong Christian foundations. Discussion is facilitated by class members with a diverse curriculum and monthly speakers.
C205 | Couples & Families
Just out of college? New to Atlanta? Come join our newly forming group for great Bible studies, fun social outings and service projects.
C203 | Young Adults
Love & Fellowship
Married couples, with and without young children, learn about building a strong Christian foundation for marriage. Curriculum is a mixture of Biblical discovery, current events, and traditional lessons led by class members and outside speakers. They have numerous social and philanthropic activities.
C106 | Couples & Families
New Beginnings
This energetic group of couples and singles, ages 50-70, has speakers each Sunday with a focus on a range of relevant and timely Christian topics. The class also participates in meaningful outreach opportunities and enjoyable social activities.
C302 | Adults in Midlife
Open Door
Participants come from a wide range of ages and stages of life and faith including seekers and disciples, couples and singles. Open Door is led by two teachers who offer original lessons during the academic year. The curriculum is Scripture-driven, and lessons are structured around themes.
C208 | Program Centered
This group of 70’s+ prefers a non-traditional class, with a myriad of topics, ranging from Old Testament to current events that have spiritual significance, usually with a different speaker each week.
C206 | Older Adults
Engages seriously in scriptural study through the Disciple Bible Study Curriculum. Classes are led by two teachers. A study book is required, and there are weekly reading assignments. New curriculum is introduced throughout the year, and newcomers are welcome to join at the start of each new course, as advertised.
C301 | Program Centered
B156 | Older Adults
The Wesley Class is comprised of married couples ranging in age 35-50 with preschool to elementary children. Our desire is to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ through Bible study, encouragement, prayer and service. Class discussions include Bible study, life and faith topics, and guest speakers. Class fellowship centers around social activities and community outreach projects such as the Great Day of Service and Christmas Kindness.
C104 | Couples & Families
Couples and families
Room B158
A community of married couples with growing families. Rotating class members and guest speakers lead faith-based lessons and discussions on marriage, family, and work/life balance.
Room C105
This group of parents of school-aged children enjoy getting together to share their Christian journey. The unique class curriculum features a combination of both Bible-centric and topical lessons that are applicable to maturing families.
Room C208
This class studies a new theme each year with outside speakers as well as class members teaching. Lessons require no outside reading. Members are primarily mid 40s – mid 50s, but range from younger to older, and enjoy fellowship with 2-3 social functions each year.
Room C101
Parents of school-aged children focused on nurturing families who use a combination of speakers and class discussion.
Room C205
Members of this class range in age from 30s to 50s with children from preschool to middle school ages, including families, couples and individuals at similar life stages. Members are on a journey of faith and fellowship to build strong Christian foundations. Discussion is facilitated by class members with a diverse curriculum and monthly speakers.
Room C106
Married couples, with and without young children, learn about building a strong Christian foundation for marriage. Curriculum is a mixture of Biblical discovery, current events, and traditional lessons led by class members and outside speakers. They have numerous social and philanthropic activities.
Room C104
The Wesley Class is comprised of married couples ranging in age 35-50 with preschool to elementary children. Our desire is to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ through Bible study, encouragement, prayer and service. Class discussions include Bible study, life and faith topics, and guest speakers. Class fellowship centers around social activities and community outreach projects such as the Great Day of Service and Christmas Kindness. For additional information, please contact Cody Wilson at
Adults in Midlife
Room C204
This diverse class has members whose ages range from 50’s to early 60’s, single, divorced, and married. Optional homework includes buying the study book and reading a chapter or two for discussion.
Room 304
A friendly, caring group of marrieds and singles share life’s journey with intellectually stimulating classes and extra-curricular activities promoting fellowship and fun.
Room C306
Our class is a welcoming and open-minded group striving to connect God’s word to our daily living and to connect to one another as we journey through the seasons of life. (Approximate age of members: 50+)
Room C302
This energetic group of couples and singles, ages 50-70, has speakers each Sunday with a focus on a range of relevant and timely Christian topics. The class also participates in meaningful outreach opportunities and enjoyable social activities.
Older Adults
Room C102
Late 60’s-70’s+. Lessons consist of guest lecturers including the church staff. The class is involved in both local and international outreach as well as a couple social events each year.
Room C103
An active class still growing in faith through traditional Bible study led by regular teachers.
Room C206
This group of 70’s+ prefers a non-traditional class, with a myriad of topics, ranging from Old Testament to current events that have spiritual significance, usually with a different speaker each week.
Room B156
A caring and supportive group of single and married senior adults committed to the church’s beliefs, mission and outreach. Class includes a variety of speakers discussing spiritual issues, personal journeys, current events and other interesting and challenging topics. Several social events are enjoyed each year. Everyone is welcome to join us on Sunday mornings.
Room C301
Engages seriously in scriptural study through the Disciple Bible Study Curriculum. Classes are led by two teachers. A study book is required, and there are weekly reading assignments. New curriculum is introduced throughout the year, and newcomers are welcome to join at the start of each new course, as advertised.
Room C207
Participants come from a wide range of ages and stages of life and faith including seekers and disciples, couples and singles. Open Door is led by two teachers who offer original lessons during the academic year. The curriculum is Scripture-driven, and lessons are structured around themes.
young adults
Room C210
Join us for weekly Bible study and social opportunities. For more information, contact Rev. Leslie Watkins at
Room C203
Just out of college? New to Atlanta? Come join our newly forming group for great Bible studies, fun social outings and service projects. For more information, contact Rev. Leslie Watkins at