Prayer Requests, Daily Prayer Emails, Prayer Blankets
If you would like to receive a daily prayer digitally from PRUMC, please click the button below to opt-in to our email list. Prayers are written by clergy and members of PRUMC and are emailed every day of the year. During special times of the year, such as Lent and Advent, we follow the themes of the season.
Intercessory Prayer
Intercessory Prayer volunteers are dedicated to supporting others in their time of need and bringing them God’s grace and peace through prayer. Volunteers share one hour of their time each week praying for those who have experienced loss, brokenness and personal crisis. Prayer volunteers also lift up others by writing notes of hope and encouragement to those who have requested prayer. No request is too small nor too large.
Pray privately in one of our Prayer Rooms, or form a small weekly group to pray together for others. Prayer volunteers renew their commitment each season.
For more information, please contact Heather C. Holdridge at 404.240.8302 or
Prayer Requests
Please click the button below to submit your requests for prayer. No request is too small or too large. If you would like to speak to one of our clergy confidentially, please contact Josh Miles at (404) 240-8270 or
Prayer Blankets
Wrapped in Prayer
Prayer blankets are given to anyone needing a warm touchstone of God’s love. Caring volunteers hem simple fleece blankets while praying for the recipients of each one. A tag is attached to each blanket as a reminder that they are wrapped in our prayers and held in the palm of God’s hand. These blankets are cherished by those who receive them and are a constant source of comfort during difficult times.
Anyone is eligible to receive a Prayer Blanket and they can be mailed them upon request. All Prayer Blankets are created in the homes of our volunteers.
If you would like to request a prayer blanket, or if you would like to help create them, please contact Heather C. Holdridge at 404.240.8302 or