March 5, 2024
Today’s scripture and reflection
Great God,
Our scripture today speaks of how wonderful the Temple was after restoration by King Hezekiah, and we walk into Peachtree Road UMC’s sanctuary and are astounded by its’ magnificence. If we have been attending worship for a while, we may even overlook how lovely it is. Help us to see with fresh eyes the beauty surrounding us: the rose window and the stained-glass windows, the doves at the ceiling, the carvings in front of the Great Organ, both in front and in the balcony, the gleaming marble floors and the needlepoint chairs and kneeling cushions and side benches created by our amazing group of talented folks. Help us never take for granted this holy space where we worship You. We are thankful for those who invested so much time and money into building a masterpiece dedicated to You.
While the Temple in Jerusalem was the center of Israelite worship, when it was desecrated, the people were bereft. Where would they worship now? Help us know there is not only one place and one way to worship You. Help us also to see the beauty surrounding us in nature and other churches and wherever we feel close to You. Let us feel connected to You in every place and every circumstance, and let us worship You everywhere, all the time.
In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Rev. Julie Wright