Through your giving, PRUMC is providing critical, immediate, humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people. We have partnered with Mt. Pisgah UMC, who has close mission relationships in Ukraine. We are financially assisting a United Methodist Church in Kyiv and one in Lviv as they provide food, shelter and transportation for refugees fleeing from the conflict. We are also connecting with a UMC pastor in Kharkiv, one of the most devastated areas to date, to understand their needs at this time. You have seen these cities in the news.
The humanitarian crisis continues to escalate, but together, we are making a difference by providing financial assistance so that these pastors can continue to be the hands and feet of Christ as their churches are being turned into shelters.
You may give to the “Disaster Relief/Ukraine” fund at www.prumc.org/give, or send a check payable to PRUMC with a notation for Ukraine Relief. (If mailing, please send to the attention of Dawn Hawkins.) We also continue to support UMCOR as they mobilize their efforts in the region. You may give to UMCOR directly, or you may send a check to PRUMC with UMCOR specified in the memo line.
We can also make a difference with our prayers. While we cannot share names of these pastors or their churches due to safety, we do ask you to specifically pray for each of them as they work tirelessly to meet the needs for food, shelter and medical care in their communities. Please continue to pray for God’s protection for all of Ukraine. PRUMC will provide opportunities for us to join in prayer together, over the coming weeks.