Celebration of Freedom Patriotic Worship

Celebration of Freedom Worship Sunday, June 23, 8:45 & 11:15 am, Sanctuary We will acknowledge our service men and women and…

Atlanta Summer Organ Festival

Internationally recognized as a conductor, organist, and teacher, James O’Donnell has performed all over the world.  Following a distinguished 23-year tenure…

Midday Music in May

Enjoy anniversary themed 30-minute lunchtime organ recitals featuring the best of Atlanta’s organists who will share in the celebration of The…

Midday Music in May

Enjoy anniversary themed 30-minute lunchtime organ recitals featuring the best of Atlanta’s organists who will share in the celebration of The…

Midday Music in May

Enjoy anniversary themed 30-minute lunchtime organ recitals featuring the best of Atlanta’s organists who will share in the celebration of The…

Confirmation Preview

All 5th graders will meet PRUMC youth, confirmation leaders, and staff to hear about the exciting year ahead! We will enjoy…

Music Sunday Worship

Music Sunday is a day to honor and enjoy the talent and dedication of our musicians as well as recognize the…

Kinnara: Immortal Bach

Celebrate Kinnara’s Fifteenth Anniversary at Peachtree Road!  As they embark on this momentous occasion, they take pride in honoring their rich…

Midday Music in May

Enjoy anniversary themed 30-minute lunchtime organ recitals featuring the best of Atlanta’s organists who will share in the celebration of The…