January 3, 2025
Dear Peachtree Road Family,
Happy New Year! I hope this note finds you well. The tragic events on New Year’s Eve in New Orleans and New Year’s Day in Las Vegas certainly have been unsettling as we wonder what 2025 will bring. I encourage you to join me in praying for the victims and their families. I also encourage all of us to lean deeper into our faith and to seek God’s presence in these early days of a new year.
January is that unique month in which we look back upon the year that has just ended and look forward to a future that is unwritten. Let me suggest two exercises for this week. First, as you look back, write down three blessings for which you are grateful. Being thankful is the seed you plant when you want more joy in your life. Second, after listing your blessings, write down one thing you’re hoping for in the coming year. I want you to bring that hope with you to church this Sunday. Then, when you approach the altar as to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion, whisper a prayer for that hope to the Lord – it might be a hope for a person, an event, or something for which you have been yearning for some time. Together, we can make a good new beginning to the year in worship this Sunday.
Speaking of hope, our theme here at Peachtree Road UMC for 2025 is “Living into the Vision.” There is a verse from the Old Testament book of Habakkuk that will keep us focused on this theme for our centennial year, and I encourage you to memorize it and place it in your heart:
“For there is still a vision for the appointed time. It speaks of the end and does not lie. If it seems to tarry, wait for it. It will surely come. It will not delay.” – Habakkuk 2:3 (NRSV)
My hope is that we will allow the words of the prophet to remind us that the vision upon which Peachtree Road UMC was founded 100 years ago is still valid. Our mission, our vision, our values – they all remain the same. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, is with us and is guiding us. Of that we are certain. I particularly would ask that we strive to lean deeper into our faith in three ways:
- Weekly Worship – there is nothing like worship in our beautiful sanctuary and chapel. I challenge you to set a goal of being in worship 90% of the Sundays this year (45 Sundays). We offer several opportunities to help folks worship each week: Sundays at 8:45 am, 10:00 am, and 11:15 am; Wednesdays at 12 noon; and during the week online at www.prumc.org (yes, making up online during the week for a service missed counts!). Worshiping regularly will keep your heart in tune.
- Bible Reading and Study – last year, we offered a daily plan to read through the Bible in a year. I hope you took advantage of that opportunity. This year we want to help you grow deeper in your relationship with Christ through Bible study. Throughout the year, we will be offering studies that are designed to help you grasp some of the biblical basics of our faith. For example, during the season of Lent, we will focus on Paul’s letter to the Romans. Our messages on Sunday mornings will be based on Romans, and a study of this important book of our faith will be offered during that season. We invite you to join us.
- Outreach and Service – Peachtree Road UMC members are known for their generous outreach toward others. You are challenged to find at least one way of reaching out in the name of Christ and serving others. You can accomplish this by being a part of our Lenten Season of Service, Christmas Kindness, serving through one of our outreach partners, participating on one of our mission teams, or giving through one of our special offerings. Dr. Bill Mallard used to tell us in class that the rhythm of the church is “gather then scatter.” We gather together for worship and study and then scatter into the world to live out Christ’s commission to be the “light of the world.” Please contact Beth Spencer at beths@prumc.org to get connected on a local mission project or Cristin Kirbo at cristink@prumc.org to participate on a global mission team.
If you want to grow in your faith this year and experience genuine spiritual renewal or awakening, incorporate these three activities into your spiritual routine. They will usher you into the presence of God and enrich your faith.
I do remind you of our regular worship schedule for the year:
8:45 am – Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
10:00 am – Traditional Worship and Holy Communion in the Moore Chapel
11:15 am – Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
11:00 am – Westside Table Worship at Roundtrip Brewery on the Westside
12:00 noon – Mid-week Worship in the Moore Chapel
As always, if you are away from Peachtree Road on a Sunday, you may watch the services on livestream online at www.prumc.org. Please stay connected to your church family.
You may see a few people you don’t know in church these first couple of Sundays in January. They may be “New Year’s Resolutions” folks who have decided to make finding a church home a priority for the year. Look for folks you may not know, greet them warmly, and welcome them to Peachtree Road this week.
Finally, let me suggest an opportunity for those looking to become better connected at Peachtree Road UMC: Tea with the Clergy on Sunday, January 26, 12:30 – 2:00 pm, Hospitality Suite. Get to know our church and ministers better at this casual afternoon gathering. Our clergy will answer questions, share their vision, and help you connect to areas of interest within the church. After conversation wraps up, those who wish to take the next step in membership may join in a brief service. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Brittany Charron at brittanyc@prumc.org
This year holds great promise for our ministry together. I pray that you will experience the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit as we walk this journey together. See you Sunday!
Grace and peace,
P.S. Our Doves have been sighted in recent Atlanta publications and news features! Click here to view our story on WSBTV (video on top left of page after ads) and enjoy this beautiful photo and unique perspective from Christmas Eve worship.