October 14, 2022
Dear Peachtree Road Family,
I hope you are well. I really am looking forward to Sunday as we continue our series of messages entitled “Greater Than.” This month we are considering the question, “How has my relationship with Jesus made my life greater?” Over the course of the last 15 years, I have had the joy of watching Jesus make life greater here at Peachtree Road UMC. I have seen lives transformed as you have allowed the light of Christ to shine through you into our hurting world. It is our relationship with Jesus that gives meaning and purpose and satisfaction to life. That’s what we’re talking about this month.
On Sunday we will reflect upon the idea that “investment” is greater than “quick fix.” We live in a world where many folks have short attention spans and crave instant gratification. Jesus calls us to invest our lives in the kingdom which is the solid foundation that enables us to thrive, even in the midst of life’s storms. Our scripture lesson for Sunday comes from Matthew 7. I love the paraphrase of this passage from Eugene Peterson’s The Message:
“These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit – but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock.”
I look forward to seeing you Sunday at either 8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am. If you are out of town, please join us online through the church website here.
Speaking of Sunday, the One Lamb Initiative is sponsoring two events to help you develop mental health:
- Forum with Dr. Cathy Snapp – Heritage Hall at 10:00 am. Dr. Cathy Snapp is Campus Director of Behavioral Health for the Medical College of Georgia’s AU/UGA Medical Partnership. Dr. Snapp will offer powerful tools, teachings, and practices integrating science and spirituality. Join us to:
- Explore the spiritual science of renewing the mind
- Recognize positive emotion as a driver of well-being
- Learn evidenced-based skills for building your capacity for peace, joy, love, and empowerment
- Addiction Panel Event – Grace Hall at 5:00 pm. A panel of addiction recovery professionals will discuss treatment options and recovery. The panel will be led by Neil Campbell, Executive Director of the Georgia Council on Substance Abuse (GCSA). Experts will include an addiction psychiatrist, a recovery minister, an addiction pastoral counselor, and executives from GCSA, iHOPE, and The Addiction Alliance of Georgia. All are welcome.
October also is stewardship month here at Peachtree Road UMC. You are encouraged to consider your place in the ministry of this great church. Please consider the following:
- If you have pledged in the past, thank you. Your giving makes a difference!
- If you have not pledged in the past but do give to the church, please know we are grateful for your gifts. We hope that this year you will take the next step and make a pledge to the operating budget. This gesture will help our Finance Committee set a budget that reflects the hopes and dreams of Peachtree Road, especially in these times of uncertainty.
- If you neither pledge nor give, please consider the blessings of your life and plan to give something (really, any gift would be helpful – even $10 per week!) next year. I want you to experience the joy of knowing you helped make a difference.
- Let us all strive to be tithers (giving 10% of our income) as an offering to God in gratitude for the blessings of life. In order to grow toward that goal, I hope you will consider taking a step toward that level this next year by increasing your giving by 10% over this past year.
Certainly, if you are ready, you may go ahead and make your pledge today through the church app or website here. Again, thank you for your support.
Commitment Sunday is set for the next Sunday, October 23. You will have an opportunity to renew your covenant with Christ for the next year by bringing your pledge card to the altar of the church. This is a holy occasion as we kneel at that altar and commit our financial resources to support the ministry of the church for the coming year. After the service, we will gather in Grace Hall for a delicious barbeque luncheon compliments of the church. The pulled pork will be prepared by men from the church’s very vital Men’s Ministry. Make your plans now to join us October 23.
Finally, are you interested in becoming a member of Peachtree Road UMC? — please join us Sunday, November 6, at 12:30 pm in the Hospitality Suite for “Tea with the Clergy.” At this luncheon meeting, you will have the opportunity to meet with several members of our clergy staff, hear about the ministry of this great church, ask questions, and even have an opportunity to join at the end of the session. Please contact Elizabeth Byrd (elizabethb@prumc.org) for more information or to sign up.
Thank you for your commitment to the ministry of Peachtree Road UMC. Your prayers are heard, your presence is inspiring to others, your gifts are making a difference, and your service shines the light of Christ in our community. I am grateful to be your pastor.
Grace and peace,