Young Adults
Fellowship, study and enrichment for young adults
Coming up in Young Adult Ministries
Football Fellowship
Thursday, August 31
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
At the home of Terry and Rebecca Clements
Whether you’re a fan of SEC, ACC or other league, RSVP now to help us kick off a fun football season. Wear your team’s colors or jersey and join us for food, fellowship, and a little smack talk.

Young Adult Mission to Costa Rica
January 24-28, 2024
PRUMC Young Adults will partner with Rice & Beans Ministry in the San Jose area of Costa Rica for this great trip led by Rev. Josh Miles. We will be part of a vital feeding program that serves a rural population and work on a small farm that produces fresh food for nearby schools and neighbors. We will also have the chance to bring VBS and a Field Day to local children. Gather your friends and start your year with a truly warm and meaningful service opportunity. Questions? Contact Dawn Hawkins at